Since last time, I've managed to take a trip to Martha's Vineyard, contract an annoying head cold, attend a co-op board interview, get a new puppy, be put on a pitch at work and drum roll approved for our apartment!
First things first, the puppy is Leah. She is a 10 week old blue nose pit that my mom found at a shelter near our house. She was dropped off and the shelter had no room for her, so naturally..she went home with my mom and that was that. She is SERIOUSLY adorable. She's grey with white patches, has the pinkest nose in the world and seaglass colored eyes. Instant love. It's been a long time since we've had a puppy in our house- the last one was Gus and he passed away at 13 this past September. We've had lots of foster dogs come in and out but Leah is our first puppy and I'm glad she's here to say. Welcome to the nut house Leah.
I had a great trip to Martha's Vineyard last weekend with my best friend from college Martha, and her family. We arrived Saturday morning and did a whole lot of lounging. We got the biggest ice cream cones EVER at Ben and Bill's, fell asleep on the beach to newly downloaded tunes, drove around town exploring the local fare, and made an absurdly high number of completely necessary trips to Larsen's fish, swoon. It was my second time visiting them on the vineyard and I already can't wait to go back.
Happiness is Almond Joy ice cream
Best friends enjoying the sunset
Things are moving along at work. I've been put on my first real pitch for a company that I can't divulge, I'm so cool (not), and it's not what I expected so far but will definitely be a good learning experience. I'm getting exposure to some senior level people and getting to see how these things work firsthand. Never say no to opportunity, or try not to anyway! I'm also working on a career site redesign and that's turned out to be a pretty cool and creative process. Enough of the boring stuff.
I touched down from sunny Martha's Vineyard into rainy New York around 4pm on Tuesday, found the green machine and made my way back to NYC just in time for our 8pm co-op board interview. We got dressed up and scadaddled over to the far west side nerves running high. An hour later we emerged, less nervous but a bit more confused, and with the looming feeling we might be moving into a freshman dorm. Quiet hours anyone? Right, the interview. Well, it wasn't quite what we expected. The board was a mish-mosh of people living in the building and they all seemed super nice but some of their questions took us back, i.e. do you recycle? Clearly that was a deal breaker so naturally we said yes and upon arriving home I immediately set up a recycling system. See- now I do recycle. All in all the interview went fine but as I told my roommates dad, if it were a date I wouldn't have known to expect a second date or not. It didn't go badly, but it wasn't a hit either. Needless to say the hours dragged on as we refreshed our inboxes until finally Thursday afternoon we received official word that we were approved. What a magic word. We are now the proud renters of a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment and can't wait to move in. We've decided on a move date of June 29th since we can't move in on the weekends, oh co-ops, and we are so excited.
It's going to be a whirlwind couple of weeks as I turn 25, attend my cousins wedding, work on a pitch, pack up my apartment and move the 13 would-be-nothing-in-any-other-city-but-NewYork blocks. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wishing everyone a happy father's day, happy summer, happy day's are longer, happy enjoy the weather weekend. Next time I write, I'll be a quarter century old. Be jealous.
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