Back in the college days, August always meant Bed Bath & Beyond, packing up, and leaving New York but now that I'm an "adult" (or so they tell me) August is less final, and more of a continuation of summer. Moral of the story- summer is flying by way too quickly and I'm going to do my darndest to embrace August & take full advantage of what's left of summer.
So, to that end I've put together a Summer 2012 Bucket List, and figured I'd share it with y'all with the hope that you'd keep me accountable. I've always wanted to make a bucket list but never have, and since this blog, and life these days, is all about firsts- I figured, no time like the present! So, now without further adieu, let's get listing:
- Take another trip to Fire Island
- Make s'mores in the outdoor fire pit
- Go night swimming
- Attend at least 2 Yankee games before the end of the season
- See fireworks one more time
- Go camping/sleep on the beach (this one might be tough..but I'll try)
- Have a beach bonfire (another long shot)
- Annual Lewis family trip to Rye Playland
- Swim in the ocean
- Eat chocolate italian ices, the real kind
- Catch fireflies (that used to be so fun)
- An evening run along the hudson
- Spend a day on the high line
- Eat at the Boat Basin Cafe
- Go kayaking on the hudson
I think that's a pretty good place to start, seeing as I have a full time job and all, and hope that I can get each of these things done- and maybe even add a few more classics to the mix! If anyone wants in on the above dreaminess...feel free to give a shout, I like company! I promise to let you all know as I accomplish these things and add new adventures to my repertoire.
On a more serious note- as many of you know, our baby puppy Lia had a bit of a health scare last week as she battled a bout of Parvo virus. The outpouring of love and support that we received, truly touched me and made me completely aware of how many friends we have, and can count on, in times of need. I'm happy to report that Lia has rebounded incredibly well with the help of a dedicated staff at the Cornell Veterinary Center and according to my parents- she's back to her old self. I'm heading home this weekend for some R&R in the "country" and can't wait to spend time with my favorite floppy eared gal. Pictures to come...I promise.
In other news- life in June and July has been pretty great. We're settled in our apartment and loving it more and more each day; Work is busy- in the best way possible with a crazy BlackRock project challenging even the most seasoned ad men; I sold my first ever Never Enough Icing cake, and from what I've been told, it was a big hit!; I'm dating a guy I actually really like (shocking, right?) and so far- it's going incredibly well; I've got some vacation time planned in the next few weeks and can't wait to kick back and enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.
Updates to come on the Summer bucket list. Wish me luck.
Stay fly.
gotta love the list - ready for some smores and playland too!