Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Welcome friends! If you're here it means you've somehow stumbled upon my blog (let's be serious you're probably my roommate, mom or grandmother) and are looking to see what this place is all about. If I'm being honest, I've contemplated documenting my life through a blog for some time now, but have never had the courage to do so. What's held me back has been a combination of time (or lack there of), nerves and a general feeling of "who would want to read what I have to say?". Well now, after talking to friends, family and encouraging coworkers, coupled with the fact that I often overhear myself telling a story and think "is this ridiculousness real life?" I've decided to take the plunge.

"Never Enough Icing" is what I hope to one day call my bakery (yes, I aspire to own a bakery, more on that later) and I love the name so much I figured I'd stick with it. According to those close to me I live an interesting life and many of the situations I find myself in are not, despite my inner belief, common. I love to bake, I'm addicted to Pure Barre and I've been on more hilarious dates than many people twice my age.

This blog will serve as the place I go to post my favorite recipes, recount my most horrific (and often humorous) dating stories and share the daily trials and tribulations of being a 20 something in New York with absolutely no idea what tomorrow has in store.

Buckle up friends, it's not going to be a smooth ride.


  1. Hello PIC.

    This is your roommate speaking -- I just wanted to be the first "WAY TO GO/CONGRATULATORY" comment on your blog. I support this 100% and well, I must admit -- I have a feeling this is going to become my new favorite website. I am one of the many who think your witty/humorous ways make you who you are and I look forward to reading everything about you because well, I love YOU! :)

  2. Well you said who would want to read your blog other than your roommate (who is my Daughter!!) your Mom and your Grandmother!!!?? Now Miss Sari what the hell about naming your Roommates MOTHER? I want to read your blog and why not? You have as much to say as anyone, of course we are not counting World Figures, Writers, Artists, Scientists... no, just kidding. Being amongst other things an EX English Major, Teacher hobby artist and lover of the wrtiten word myself, I endorse and support your blog 100%. You may be surprised that I even know about this blog seeing your Roomie DID NOT tell me about it. She prefers to share other tidbits like would I walk with her while on the phone for 10 NY city blocks, or help her to navigate Macy's downtown!!?
    So whatever you have to say or share- "I'm a Listening"! And by the way I knew you were a baking Lover so I will definitely stay tuned for baking recipes and maybe even the occasional savoury recipe like your Cauliflower Pizza. I just cut out of the paper Dear Abby's favorite Brownie Recipe w Frosting, so who knows how your blog will morph? Maybe even an exchange of the best of the best recipes too!
    Happy Blogging Sari. Writing is good for the Soul. Bon Chance!!
    Momma Robins

  3. Dear Sari, It wasn't a smooth ride from conception but it's sure been fun! There is no one in this world who is as competent as you to get things done, from cake baking to techno stuff! Your writing is extraordinary and I have no doubt that it will be honest and funny! Good luck with your blog. I love you my 20 something!


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