Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Book Round Up

Every summer I get the reading itch. A desire to lounge by the pool, on the beach, or in the house to get lost in the land of make-believe.

So far this summer I've been slow- I've only read two books, but Josh and I (see I didn't even call him the boy) are leaving on Thursday for vacation for 10 days (yes 10 whole days, canyoubelieveit!?!?! Clearly I'm not that excited) down on the Outer Banks in Nags Head. His family has been vacationing here for years, might I even say decades, and this will be my first summer joining.

In preparation of our trip, I've scoured the internet, tapped my book sources and compiled a list of must-reads. I have 4 shiny new novels en route to our apartment and I can't wait to sink my teeth in. Here is my reading round up for the summer.

What I've Read So Far

  1. The Last Original Wife-  A classic beach read. This newly released page turner by Dorothea Benton Frank caught my eye in the Penn Station book store en route to Fire Island. It was hard to get started but once I did, I couldn't put it down and wound up finishing it during our weekend trip to Newport.

    2.   Firefly Lane- This one totally caught me off guard. Josh and I were up at my
          parents house this weekend house sitting for the dogs when I realized, GASP,
          I didn't have a book. Resorting to my ultra lazy ways, I decided to scour the house
          for hidden gems (aka please don't make me go to the book store). Right in my
          room, underneath my high school yearbook and Camp Watitoh scrapbooks lay
          this paperback. I remembered trying to read it in years past with little luck, so I
          was reluctant, but upon digging in- I was hooked. I read all 479 pages in 2 days.

What's On My List

    3.   The Widow Waltz- With a place on the "Best Books of 2013 So Far" this classic
          beach read had me intrigued from the moment I heard about it

    4.   Revenge Wears Prada- The devil is back and better than ever. Or so I've been
          told. The sequel to the much-talked about 2004 page turner, is supposedly better
          than the original. When my good friend and book confidant suggested I read this,
          how could I say no? Start your engines people.

    5.   Chose the Wrong Guy, Gave Him the Wrong Finger- Called off engagements,
          second chances, and high school sweethearts- say no more. When a girl leaves
          her perfect fiance for his less than perfect brother, I want a front row seat.

    6.   Summer People- Family drama and the island of Nantucket, what every beach
          read is made of. A friend of a friend said this was a "must read". I don't often hear
          that and like what i see in the synopsis. So when the stars aligned, I added this
          one to my cart.

I can't wait to get on the plane on Thursday, arrive at the house and totally disconnect. I'm planning to turn off my phone, I know big moves, and avoid Facebook, email and Instagram to the best of my ability. While the sound of drama, status updates, make-ups and break-ups won't be keeping me company, these books definitely will.

What are you reading this summer? I'd love to know!

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Introducing...The Boy

I know, I's about time! Given the fact that the boy and I have been dating for over a year and now live together, I figured it was time I gave him a proper introduction.

While many of you know him personally, and others feel you know him through this very blog, several loyal readers have nudged me to formally introduce him. 

So I give you, "the boy". The one I have so affectionately referred to on this blog in many posts, most notably here, here and here, the one whose dating life has been splashed across the tabloids social media (this is not exactly E! news, people) and the one who has made my life better in ways I never imagined, is officially unveiled. 

Profile of "The Boy"

Name: Josh
Age: 27
Hometown: Sunnyside Gardens
Profession: Art Director (duh, that's how we met)
Favorite Sport: Hockey
Team: Rangers
Favorite Food: Velveeta (leave judgement at the door)
Passion: Music
Pet Peeve: Moldy towels, unlocked doors, poorly folded shirts

So there you have it, a quick glimpse at the guy I love who puts up with me, supports me, laughs at my jokes, massages my feet and takes tons of road trips even though he'd be perfectly content staying home, ah love (I do plenty for him too, it's not completely one sided).

From now on, he will be referred to by name and not affectionately as "the boy" as has previously been the norm.  It's been a good run, but everything runs its course. 

Happy Tuesday!

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Battle of the Sexes...Sort Of

I can't believe it's been nearly two months since my last post. Hellooooo abandonment!

I promise I have a good reason for my absence, or a few reasons at that. But first, we'll focus on the big one.

The boy and I moved in together. We had been planning it for months; talking about it, anxiously awaiting it, organizing for it, discussing it and then finally- it happened! We packed up our apartments (in a few more trips than either of us expected), loaded the moving van and departed for our new home. All I will say is this: nothing prepares you for moving in with someone, except actually doing it. We had boxes labeled, furniture picked out, lists on hand and several "we're together all the time anyway, it won't be any different" conversations behind us but the truth is, living with someone is different.

It's the joining of two lives. Two styles of living... and yes, that means all aspects of living, not just those you want to compromise on (which is where maintaining separate apartments totally leads you astray). Eating, sleeping, alarm sounding, towel hanging, cooking, food buying, remote controlling, bed making, schedule adjusting- everything. The sudden realization that the way you've lived for the last 5 or so years is going to take a hit, in order to compromise (key word) to accomodate for another person, is not always easy. You've made your bed a certain way for years, allowed your alarm to go off endlessly (probably a bit too endlessly) and left the apartment door unlocked because you have some false sense of security in new york, without impacting anyone but yourself.

Now, that's all changed. Everything you do, and say, impacts another person.  I think I was more surprised than the boy was at the amount of compromise that would be coming our way. He's been great- super accommodating and understanding of my control freak need to have the bed made, and perfect, all day every day (thanks Mom) and very willing to compromise. I was the one who had a bit more work to do.

All in all, moving was more of a transition than I anticipated but once we had some conversations to straighten me out- it's been smooth sailing and we are loving day to day life together. Everything from cooking dinner to commuting to work together is definitely more fun now that we're under one roof.  We had our first dinner guests last night and the boy cooked an amazing meal- it was nice to entertain in a space that's ours.

This weekend we're off to Newport! I've never been and I'm excited to spend the weekend by the water in a new place.

More to come on work, pictures of the apartment and other daily musings. And I promise it won't take me two months to post....really, I do.

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