Monday, July 23, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

The Summer is by far my favorite season. Warmer temperatures, cuter clothes, longer days, better food, no need for a jacket and endless weekend possibilities.

As an avid swimmer and self-proclaimed sun worshiper, the Summer is my happy place. Over the last few weeks I've been taking full advantage of my favorite season with a weekend trip to Fire Island, and most recently, a phenomenal overnight trip to Westchester with my PIC.

For those of you who know me, you know what Fire Island means to me. I grew up spending one full month each summer there, and whether I realized it or not, that place became a part of who I am. It's my happy place. The place I associate the best memories with and the place that captured the best part of my childhood. My sister and I spent days running barefoot through town, eating ice cream cones bigger than we were, swimming in the bay, catching fire flies, stubbing our toes, rolling in the sand, jumping from lifeguard stands, scratching bug bites, running with our dogs and showering outside. There really is no place like it.

The best place on earth

Hello relaxation

Now that I'm older and don't have the luxury of a month-long break from reality, I do what I can to spend as much time as possible on fire island each summer. Whether it be day trips, weekends or a share house- I've managed to get back there every summer for the last 4 years.

This summer I organized a weekend house with a group of friends and let me tell you- we had the BEST time. We relaxed, grilled delicious food, enjoyed homemade sangria, double scoop ice cream cones, runs through the sand, amazing sunsets, morning walks through town, bike rides at dusk and sleeping with the windows open- ocean breeze and all. It was extremely hard for all of us to pack up and head back to the concrete jungle, and then to work the following Monday, but it was great to get away for the weekend and to be reminded that such a magical place does exist not too far from home.

The whole house!

Best friends at the beach!

In the midst of crazy heat waves, family stresses and work deadlines, it was wonderful to have time away to remember what really makes me happy. I often get caught up (who doesn't?) in the daily grind  but a few days on fire island did my body good. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend you go. It's a place unlike any other I've been, where people are friendly, shoes are optional, everyone knows your name and a big night out means leaving the house for sunset at the dock.

Until next time Fair Harbor...


  1. Great you have a happy place like this!!! I have always said that one of these days I will check out Fire Island, and I will!!
    Sounds like the best part of how Camp was.
    REALLY important to get away from that concrete jungle!! I hear it is a great place in the fall too!!!

  2. I am so glad that you are able to capture that time in life each year, it is such a treasure, and I hope that you never lose it. I am looking for my "Big Sur" on the East Coast, and what you have described is an essence of what I am looking for, a quest for that lost part of my youth, a lost time and something more. Thank you for sharing with us your experience and your thoughts, it is really valuable. Do not lose what you have, and do not let anyone ever take that away from you. Keep on keepin' on.
    Dan Berendt(Greywolf Rednight)


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